Friday 5 April 2013

Surrendering to Grace

Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10
"We are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Jesus Christ, So we can do good things he planned for us long ago"

This world tells us that no-one cares as there is hope found in or of this world.  As Christians we have the greatest hope that is not of this world but is in this world.  Our greatest hope comes from knowing that Jesus left Heaven to live a human life perfectly, so that we could have an example to follow.  Not only this he gave himself as a sacrifice by taking our place upon the cross to pay our punishment for all our sins.  Jesus paid it all for us because of his unbelievable love and care for us, us his children who he created to be masterpieces, created for a wonderful purpose that only we can complete.
"For it is within us that he begins his work. It is within us - in the depths of our creation - that he begins to weave a tapestry of grace. And it is you- with your cartload of issues and a journal full of scorched places - that he longs to say Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more".

Come Closer

"The more we know God, the more deeply we love God" - Jane Rubietta

It is important for us as Christians to have a close loving relationship with God, as things in life will result in suffering or struggle and we need God to help us through these times. At these times it is easy to run away from God and we end up feeling lost and hopeless. But because Our God is Faithful and Caring, he calls out our name at these times, longing for us to draw closer to him.  He whispers into your heart "come closer because you are my child and I love you with a never ending love.  Come and have a close relationship with me and tell me all the things that you are hurting or struggling with, so I can set you free from this bondage. Draw closer and experience the immense love I have towards you."

God is the only person who is able to fill the emptiness that you experience in your life, so why are you waiting. Go and spend time with your Father in Heaven, run into his arms and embrace his power in your life that only God can give us.

Ephesians 1v7
"and ask the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, to give you the Spirit, who will make you wise and reveal God to you, so that you will know him" (Good News Bible)

Call out to God, ask Him to draw alongside you and fill you up with the power of the Holy Spirit that will change and transform your life.  As you are changed and transformed by the Holy Spirit, you will draw closer to your Heavenly Father's heart and you will know Him in a way that you have never known him before.