Friday 6 July 2012

Always going to be another mountain....

This title for this blog is quite ironic for what has been happening in my life over the last couple of weeks.  I recently have finished my Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition in Scotland. It was an experience which I look back on and reflect.  Some of these reflections I am going to share with you.

Whilst we were walking in the beautiful mountain ranges around Glencoe we faced many challenges.  Although each day that we started out we had renewed strength from God which helped to make the first half of the day bearable! But once our heavy rucksacks and our feet began to get sore we found that each step got harder and harder, and it just felt like we would never reach camp for that night.  When looking at the scenery it just seemed like there was so many mountains that were obstacles for us to reach our goal of camp.  Looking back at times it just felt like we needed to stop and set up camp there and then, yet we didn’t, we kept going to reach camp.  I know relate this to my faith with God, as during our walks with God we face many trials and tribulations that we feel like we are never going to get through, and it feel like the mountain in your way will never move. I found that during Duke of Edinburgh when I prayed out to God for help, he gave me the courage and strength to keep on going, and it is the same when we go through trials and tribulations as he is there by our sides at all times and he is waiting for his children to cry out to him for help. He wants to help you because he LOVES you with and everlasting love and because he created you.  I was once told God leads us into hardship to see how much we will trust him, and through this we become a stronger person, it is God moulding us into the person he wants us to be.  The times of hardship helps to prepare us to go out and serve God with our whole lives.

Another thing I found was that it was so easy to get lost whilst doing Duke of Edinburgh, and on a number of occasions this happened to me and my team. Our first day we got lost due to a sign that made us think that our judgements were wrong, yet after two hours of walking the wrong way we found out that we were meant to  go up the other path.  This is like us in our faith, sometimes we tend to wander away from God as we think that we can do everything else better on our own, and then we begin to wander into sin.  When I think of the sign that we saw, it now makes me think of the devil that is constantly battling with us trying to get us to stop following our Father in Heaven.  I then remember the moment when we realised that we were indeed lost in the mountains, this is like when we realise that we are lost in sin and we have wandered away from God, and this realisation can come in all shapes and forms.  It can be something that is said in church or yf, or something that we sing in worship songs or simply feeling God speaking to us and telling us to come home and he wants to protect us and make us whole again.

The whole way through Duke of Edinburgh the verses that really helped me was.....
“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me” – Philippians 4v13

“The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever, do not abandon the works of your hands.” –Psalm 138v8

I found that these verses were such a blessing as they gave me the courage and the strength to continue on as I knew God was there with me, strengthening me all along the way.  And I knew that if I completed in that it was all in God’s plan for my life.
Love you girlies

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