Friday 20 July 2012

Faithful service rewarded...

Here on earth we all have the responsibility to serve God in some way or another.  Service for God comes in all shapes and sizes.  Serving God can be as simple as spending time with a person in school who most people wouldn’t talk to.  This is serving God as if we think of the times when Jesus was here on earth he reached out to the lepers, the poor and the tax collectors which the Jews and other people would have given a wide birth.  By us spending time serving God by spending time with people who are lonely we will be faithful to him and we will be doing a pleasing work for God.  Although we need to make sure that we don’t make a whole scene out of this service for God, as he doesn’t want us drawing attention to ourselves, as it looks like we are doing it just to be noticed.  We need to do it subtly making the person feel special and not humiliated.

In Romans 12v6 “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to us” and when I read this I think how God has given each one of us unique qualities and gifts that each of us can use when serving him.  I know this summer that some of us girls have had the call upon our hearts to serve God in children’s work through Generation Next and another holiday bible club.  I believe that God has given us the qualities and gifts that we need to be the witnesses to these children.  God is so proud of his children when they say yes to his calling.  When we are serving him in whatever way he has called he won’t leave us, he will be there every step of the way! He will never fail his children J. this week at Generation Next we have really been pushed out of our comfort zones to relate to these children.  this week we have had seeked God before every meeting praying that God will move in a powerful way. one night that stands out so much was Wednesday night when we just saw so many kids standing with their arms towards God, looking to receive the Holy Spirit and also how we had to pray individually with these kids and it was so amazing and emotional.  it just shows that God uses ordinary people to extraordinary things for him! God has blew all expectations we had for this week out the window! They have been way more! What an AWESOME GOD we SERVE!

In the bible it talks about how when Jesus calls all his children home on the day of Judgement that we will all go to a new earth.  Here on this new earth we will have the responsibility to serve our Father once again.  The bible also speaks of the service for God here on earth and it tells us how that what we do here on earth for him will be evaluated to determine what we will do for him on the new earth.  The Humble servant will be put in charge of much, whereas the one who lords it over others in the present world will have power taken away: “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” – Luke 14v11. If we serve faithfully on the present earth, God will give us permanent management positions on the New Earth. “Those who can be trusted with little, can be trusted with much” – Luke 16v10.  The Owner (God) has his watchful eye over us – if we prove faithful, he’ll be pleased to entrust us with more.

If God wants us to do something, we’ll be wired and equipped to do it.  Our service will bring Him glory as well as us being filled with joy.

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