Wednesday 8 August 2012

He is Forever There

Lately I have been thinking a lot about how Amazing our God is! I'm not sure if it is because of the marvelous experience I had down in Jordanstown at the Kids Club for the Elim Bible Week.  That week blew all my expectations as God moved so mightily in my life as well as all the kids lives.  Not only that it was how the Generation Next Team was so connected and united, even on the first night when we were basically getting to know each other, and this was all possible because God's presence was there with us each night. That week I feel that we had two main points that we wanted to emphasize to the children that came through the doors which were 1. HOW MUCH GOD LOVES THEM and 2. HOW GOD IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE THERE FOR THEM!

When I think around this topic one verse automatically springs into my mind which is Hebrews 13v5 "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said “Never will I leave you;never will I forsake you". When I read this verse it reminds me that I have everything I will need for each day as God supplies me with it.  Not only that it reminds me that I dont need to have the latest gadget just to feel special or whatever, because I have a Father in heaven who looks down on me (and everyone of us) with one huge smile on his face and also a Father in heaven who will never fail me or leave me.  This gives me so much hope as when we walk along the path of our faith it is not easy all the times, and we have up and down days or periods but at least we dont have to face them on our own as God is with us every step of the way! We only have to cry out and ask for help and he will helps us.

This blog makes me think of the song Nothing is Impossible which the lyrics go like this...

"Through You I can do anything

I can do all things
'Cause it's You who gives me strength
Nothing is impossible

Through You blind eyes are open
Strongholds are broken
I am living by faith
Nothing is impossible

I'm not gonna live by what I see

I'm not gonna live by what I feel
Deep down I know that You're here with me
And I know that You can do anything

I believe, I believe

I believe, I believe in you "

This song was from the same kids club i spoke about at the start, and i think the song is amazing as it reminds me of the verse that says i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And i think this is important as Christians, as sometimes we can be too lazy to serve G0d by making excuses not to serve him by saying i cant do it.  but through this song and verse it shows we can do all things by the help of God. so when God asks you to do something say YES He wont let you down!

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