Wednesday 8 August 2012

Live by Listening to the heart beat of God

I can remember being encouraged to have a closer relationship with God, by having my heart beat in the same timing as Gods. At the time when I was told this I will admit I was confused and wasn't really sure about this.  I think for a while I may even have kept this at the back of my mind.  It was until a while later when my faith began to rapidly grow as I began to spend more and more time in God's presence and getting to know him.  When I was in sync with God's heart beat I was having my heart broken for the things that were also breaking God's heart.  It made me then become a person who cares far more than I should at times.  Through this I have also found out what I am good at and the skills that God has blessed me with to use.  I found that I love working with Children in the ministry, which has lead to many opportunities to try and make a difference in their precious lives.  On some occasions I have also had the privilege to lead some kids to the Lord which is the most amazing experience ever. Especially when these kids come up and just say to you I want to know God like you do.

I encourage you to spend more time in God's presence in your own intimate time with him as well as going to meetings in Church. God is the same God everywhere and he just longs for you to spend time with him. As you spend more time with him you will begin to have your heart in sync with his, so that he can speak to you revealing what he loves about you, what he thinks of you as well as telling you the marvelous plans that he has for each one of our lives, as he wont tell us until we have the right relationship with him, as we wouldn't believe him if we didn't have a close relationship with him.

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