Wednesday 8 August 2012

Pray! Don't Worry!

I believe that the title of this Blog may say more than what I can write here.  I know that it is so hard not to worry as we have so many things that happen in our lives that causes us to worry.  I find when there are lots of things that I am worried about such as Family, Friends or the big one at the minute the Exam results :/ i find i tend to feel more depressed or something and this is due to many times I try to tackle my worries on my own instead of handing them over to God who is all powerful and can help me deal with these worries i may have.

I remember reading a verse in Phil 4v6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your worries to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". I know when I leave all worries in the hands of God that such a weight is lifted off your shoulders and you feel free :) I would encourage you to call out to God and tell him everything that worries you, even the silly wee things that we dont think that make much difference, tell him He wants to know so he can help you.  This will strengthen your relationship and you will wonder why you waited so long to tell him when you realise the bondage you were tied up in was cut lose :) 

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