Thursday 7 June 2012


In this world today our perception of love has been completely transformed, and we all have the different definitions.  I feel like we use the love way to easily as we can say we love chocolate but we also use the same word love when we are talking about our love for others such as family members, friends or even boyfriends.  Sometimes we use this word too lightly so we forget what God planned love to be.

Even in today's world so many times we feel so unloved through the way that we are treated by others or other things. When we feel like this we can feel so left out of society and feel like you are worthless.  Well the purpose of this blog is to tell you that YOU ARE LOVED! So no matter what other people tell you just remember that.  In the bible we read lots about the love that God has for us... For example in the book of Genesis we read how God created each one of us in his image.  Girls this should make you feel so special and loved as no one is like us.  This means that each one of us is special to God and nothing can ever take that away from us.

Again we see that WE ARE LOVED when we read in John chapter 3v16 which reads 'For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.'  I love this verse, even though it is so simple as it shows us how Gods love for us is never failing for his children.  Along with this there is a verse found in Romans 5v8 which reads 'But God demonstrates his love for us as whilst we were still sinners, Christ died for us'.  Both of these verses just really tell me how God loves us no matter where we are in this life. I know that we don't like to think of our lives being messed up, but if we think about it, before we were saved our lives were so messed up with sin, but yet God still loved us so much that he was willing to send his Son to be beaten and bruised for our inequities.  What love was demonstrated for us! What an amazing God.

The last verse on love for this blog is Romans chapter 8v38-39 which reads 'For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord'.  This verse just fills me with hope because it reminds me that I'm not perfect, so I am liable to mess up and fail my Father in Heaven no matter how hard we try, its just one of those things that we cant control. But thankfully God still loves us even when we mess up and turn away from him and he is always calling us home back to him as he wants to make us whole again and he wants to guide us in the way that we should go as he wants to use each one of us.

I found this quote online from a Christian man called Max Lucado

“God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus. ” 

In conclusion, I want you girls to remember that no matter what happens throughout your lives that you are LOVED by your Father in Heaven, who wants to use you to do amazing things for him.  He has amazing plans for your life, but I'll leave that for another blog.  Girls by heart has been filled so much with love for you's, so I'm here for you's no matter what... I'm a phone call or text away :) 

Lots of Love

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