Monday 11 June 2012

Time to Move FORWARD

Yesterday in church Rick was speaking about on the passage from Exodus chapter 14v1-16, which was about the Children of Israel having been brought out of Egypt.  It spoke about how Moses had brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, and they were now facing the Red Sea.  This made the Children of Israel to doubt God as they saw a huge problem as they had the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army coming after them to recapture them into slavery.  The Children of Israel thought that they were going to die as they had little faith in God. On the other hand we can tell from the passage that Moses cried out to God for help, who told him to raise his staff over the sea and it would split so they could pass through on dry land.
Many times I been like one of the children of Israel, as they felt like God had abandoned them and in the times of deep darkness I too felt like God had abandoned me as I couldn’t see that light at the end of the tunnel.  Looking back I see that I felt like this because I allowed doubt to creep into my life, which meant that I wasn’t trusting God.
On the other hand I would prefer to me more like Moses as he was a man in amongst the trouble and problems that he cried out to God for help as he knew that God was in control over the situation that they were in.  Maybe need to start having as much faith as Moses did as this is when we can see God move and we realise that we are not on our own and this is all a part of his plan.
I suppose the purpose of this blog is to challenge not only you girlies but myself.  I cant help but feel like it is time that we make our faith matte to us so much that we are willing to give up whatever holds us back to make a difference for God.  But we cant do that in our own strength and power, so we need to become people who pray and seek after God’s heart so that he can reveal his precious plans for each of our lives.  When he reveals the plans for our lives we have to trust God with all our hearts and say yes.  We cant be like Gideon who doubted God when he first was told that he would defeat the Mideanites but he felt so insignificant but eventually he allowed God in and he fulfilled the plans God had for him. 
Girlies we have all summer, so this is going to be a valuable time to serve our Father in Heaven, so lets get seeking his face and asking him to reveal the plans that he has for us, so that we follow his dreams that will let us find ourselves, rather than following our own dreams which may not be as adventurous or challenging as the one’s God has given us.
Lets make this a summer to remember girlies, as summer where we have memories due to God moving in our lives and making us better people than we were before!
Lets Seek God and be showing his love to all J
Lets follow God’s footsteps that he has lead out for us and lets look to him for guidance.

Lots of Love Girls

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