From Jeremiah 29v11 we know that God has a specific and
unique plan for everyone of our lives, as he has gifted us with various talents
to use to serve him. Lately I have been thinking more about the purpose of fulfilling
the commandments that was given to Moses as well as the commandments Jesus gave
us whilst he was here on this earth. I know
that it is never easy to keep all the commandments given to us, but we are only
human and we will make mistakes, which is also known as sin. I was talking the other night to a good
friend of mine about sin, by saying at times we begin to think because other
people who are Christians and our doing something we shouldn’t doesn’t mean
that we have the right to do it too. We also
tend to judge others, both Christians and non Christians, as we begin to think
that our sin of not honouring our parents is so small compared to someone’s sin
of committing adultery or murder. But we
forget that our sin of not honouring our parents is the same size in God’s
eyes, Basically a sin is a sin no matter what it is.
In my head and heart I have a commandment that I know I struggle
with. Firstly one I find difficult is
loving your enemies, or let me rephrase it a bit, loving your enemies or the
people who have hurt you. Over the past
few years i have went through some really tough times with friendships, which
has lead to some friendships being ended for a few months before accepting that
we needed to start building up the courage to be the first one to try and sort
things out. At times it can be messy when
you try to patch things up with the other person as they may not be ready yet
to do this, so they can push you away and tell you to leave them alone etc etc. At this point it can make you angry and upset
towards that person as they have knocked your whole courage on the head and
made you feel terrible. From these
experiences I have found it extremely hard to love them, but I know that I had
to try.
I then think of what Jesus did on the cross for us... how he
was wounded for us and he went through the uttermost pain, yet he still classed
us as friends and he LOVED us, so I think it is about time we begin to love our
enemies or the people who we have fallen out with as if Jesus wasn’t angry at
us for what we made him go through we have no right to be angry at others.