Wednesday 2 January 2013

God of all Comfort

Happy New Year Girlies J and my prayer for you is that you will have a blessed year where God blesses you richly in all that you do.  Yesterday as I spent some time in God word and used a devotion book I received for Christmas I just thought that this title from it was so appropriate for the horizon of the New Year.

God of All Comfort...

When I read the title it made me reflect over the last year of my life and I even realised how much my life has changed!  I looked back at all the good times of 2012 and I thanked God for them and all that He had done in those situations were all things were well. I then reflected on what were the bad times of 2012 in my life, but as I looked back at them they just didn’t seem as trivial as they were when I was going through them.  This made me think of the title once again and I realised that I had ran into the comforting arms of my Father, and that was without me even realising it at the time. I praise God now for all that He brought me through in 2012 as though this He has made me a stronger person who is being prepared for the work God has planned for my life.

In the devotion book it was written...

“We love seeing the word all if it points to something favourable for us. We love when all of the shoes at our favourite store are on sale, or all the candies in the bowl are dark chocolate, or all the bills are paid in full. However when all aspects of life seem to crash down around us, that’s a different matter. We find ourselves in need of the “God of all Comfort”.

No problem or no heart ache is outside of God’s comfort. He has unlimited resources – a vast wellspring – at His disposal.  When we are hurting, truly the loveliest name of all describes God bringing us not some comfort, not comfort for some things, but all the comfort that we need.

The God of all comfort waits today to comfort you.  No limitations. No deductions.”

When I read this my heart was just filled with utter happiness and hope as I believed that it was God setting me up for the year ahead, reminding me that God was always in control and that He would always be there by my side as a comforter. I had such an urge then to share this with you at the start of a New Year for the simple reason that God is willing to meet you at your need at any time you just have to let him in. And I also wanted you to be filled with the same hope that I was filled with when I read it.

It also made me think over the times when people have been there for me this past year and how God had placed these people here at this time in my life to be my encouragers and comfort, and yesterday when I read this it made me more determined to be more selfless and put others first like Jesus did when He was here on earth. So I am always here for you, only a text, a phone call or a facebook message away J

Girlies this year, whatever you may face remember God is always there for you! Holding His arms open wide to you, reminding you that everything will be alright and that everything will work together for your good.  Dont be worrying! Your Almighty Father loves you and is always there even at those times when you feel like you have no one to turn to, God is there, shouting out your name for you to run to him.

2nd Corinthians chapter 1v3-5
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.

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