Tuesday 30 October 2012


Lately in youth fellowship, church and my own personal bible study I have been thinking a lot about the call that God has placed over my life. I know that God has an amazing plan for my life like he has for you who is reading this. At this minute in time you could be confused or searching for the call that God has placed upon your life. I will admit that I am still searching for the call that God has for me, and I know that I do not have to worry as My God is here with me right now and he will never leave me to fight anything on my own. For a number of years I have been involved in kids clubs and more recently I have become a Sunday school teacher and crèche leader, to allow me to fulfil the call that Jesus gave us in when he taught the people in the Sermon on the Mount.  Below I have added the verse from the Message version which I love how it puts it....

Matthew Chapter 5v13-16
“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavours of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.
“Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colours in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.

This passage amazes me as me a child of God, who is not perfect and who is certainly not any more gifted than any of you’s is chosen to be Gods witness here on earth. I find this passage challenging as well as I think it sets the standards high for us Christians, but over the last little while I have been taught that this is not too high of a standard, this is only our reasonable service to God. (Romans 12v1-2) This has challenged me in the way that I live my life as it is so easy to just blend in with the crowd and follow what they are doing, but Jesus is telling us that he hasn’t placed us here on earth, anointed us with his light burning within us just to be hid away from all the people of this world. Jesus wants us to be standing up and sharing our faith with others, or even simply showing acts of kindness to others which reflects his love as this is how we can plant seeds in our friend’s lives that are unsaved and this is how we can start to bring out the God colours here on earth.  I know this is a huge challenge, but I am accepting this challenge as I know when I am working with God My Saviour and My Rock that I don’t have to be afraid as he will guide me and give me the strength to keep going, without expecting anything in return.

Jesus gave everything for us, he has given us the example of his life to follow, and he gave up his life on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins from the past, present and future. So I don’t think that us being asked to live sacrificially is too much to ask from us. Lets take up the challenge to do something nice for someone every day, without expecting an award, as well as doing it without making a whole song and dance out of it as Jesus loves a silent giver. So maybe your kind act will be to tidy your room without being asked or maybe it will be offering to make your parents a cup of tea or whatever it may be. I know that our parents can become suspicious but let them be. Just be that faithful servant of Christ and if we are asked to do something lets not moan, lets get up and do it out of love, and through this we never know what God could do in our lives and the lives of our families. God is the God of the impossible! Dont forget Shine from the inside out as deserves to be filling up our lives and this world that he created.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Pray! Don't Worry

Worry, worry, worry! It seems to be something so natural, that we all do at some stage or another.  Whether that is over the amount of homework or coursework we have or if it a family member who is ill or whatever the case is, out first reaction is to worry! I know that I am one of the worst worriers ever! And I worry about everything.  

As I  was thinking about worry a verse popped into my head found in Philippians 4v6 "do not be anxious about anything but in everything, prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God".  And I think at times we need to remember that God is by our side, looking to help us, yet we dont tell him our worries and struggles which then end up making us feel down and burdened. I encourage you to talk to God about the simplest worry as if it worries you, it worries God, tell him and he will step in and he will move in a way that you havent experienced it before.  it also made me think about at times we want to hear what others think about a situation or a worry, so I encourage you to talk to a friend who you trust, to receive encouragement and prayer :) 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Immeasurable Love

Today, I have been thinking a lot about the Love that God has for each one of us, when I came across a quote by Julian of Norwich which reads "We are so precisely loved by God that we can't even comprehend it. No created being can ever comprehend how much and how sweetly and tenderly God loves them. It is only with the help of grace that we are able to preserve in...endless wonder at the high, surpassing, immeasurable love which out Lord in His goodness has for us".
This has made me think of how Jesus died on the cross for our sins, which was completely out of love. It is so easy to tell someone that they are loved by their Heavenly Father, unfortunately it is not always easy to accept this. As humans we always have to win the approval and love off other people, and sometimes we relate this to God, which isn't what God is like. God loves me and you, just as you are, right at this moment, maybe without any make up on or in you comfortable trackies, that you would die if you were saw in these.  Yet God doesn't care, as he doesn't look on the outward appearance, he looks in at the heart and whether this heart is saved or not, he still has this unconditional love for that person, although for the unsaved he longs for them to return to him.  I believe that the cross is the ultimate picture of Love for us, as Christ didnt have to go through with it, yet he did out of love for each one of us.
Over the summer, I was involved in many Kids clubs, which I experienced unbelievable things that God done in the lives of the kids. And one thing that was prevelent in all these clubs was the importance of having a child like faith, letting God take our hand and lead us along the path through his love. And I believe that some of these kids grasped things in their own small way, things that took me years to understand. I can remember one child who was so overwhelmed by Christs love that she was in tears and she just wanted more and more of God. I can remember the first time this happened me and I will say I was much older than this child. I believe this child was able to take a tiny step in the understanding the love of God, which I think is essential, as we just need to take baby steps, closer to God. He still loves us the same no matter what.
In Jeremiah 31v3 it reads "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness" so I encourage you to call out to God no matter what size your need is, as he is willing to help. (as I write this I am also talking to myself).
I'm just going to finish with this....
God says "I love you no matter what you do" His love is unconditional and unending! How amazing is Our God!

God Listens

Max Lucado wrote "you can talk to God because God listens. Your voice matters in heaven. He takes you very seriously.  When you enter his presence, the attendants turn to hear your voice. No need to fear that you will be ignored. Even if you stammer or stumble, even if what you have to say impresses no one, it impresses God- and he listens".
I don't know about you, but at time you can feel like you are talking to yourself, as you feel people are not listening or heeding what you are saying to them. At times this makes us feel down, especially when we need someone to talk to so desperately.  This quote I believe is full of Love and Hope that God grants each one of us.  I love how it just talks about we can talk to God as he listens, and this makes me excited as it reminds me how God is there even when people are not there, and he is also always willing to listen! He longs to hear your voice calling out to him, as you are his precious child and you matter to him, no matter what other people say.  In this life we get so many put downs from our family or friends, saying that we are not good enough ect ect, but God is always there and he wants to come in and encourage you, and the part of this quote that says 'your voice matters in heaven', gives great hope, as it doesn't matter if the thing you need to talk about seems so insignificant to you, yet it is so significant to God and he want to hear everything you have to say. At times when we are talking to people we stumble and we struggle to put across the message, as it is a sensitive topic or simply because we can't find the words we need to say.  This can anger other people, but the most amazing thing ever is that God is patient and he is willing do interpret our stumbled and muddled up cries as he knows that we need his help more than anything.  Just remember what you say doesn't have to win the approval of others or impress others, no matter how we put our message across to God, it impresses him, because he cares and we are building up our relationship with him.
So go on, dont be afraid to cry out to him, even if that is in a broken state, he understand, even through our tears. He is Our God and He loves us!

Monday 8 October 2012

Jesus is our hope!

In this blog, I want to share lyrics of a song written by Matt Redman. Lately this song has been such a comfort to me, as I have been struggling with various different things, mainly letting go things from my past, that are hindering me from being the person God created me to be. A friend of mine sent me the link to this song, which I am constantly listening to as I receive great comfort and hope from it.
I love how it speaks on how God came into this world to be our guide and that he came to rescue me and you. Sometimes when I am daydreaming or in a world of my own, I tend to wonder what would my life be like if God hadn't of stepped in and saved me when he did. When I think about times that I have turned my back against God, I realise that these are the times when I was most depressed, hurt and lost as I had no one to rely on.  This song reminds me even though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death that God is with me all along the way.  One line of many that I love in this song is "Jesus, You heard our cry" and I'll be completely honest with you, all the time I feel so insignificant or not good enough, which then makes me think at times that God doesnt listen to what I have to say, which is only a stupid irrational thought, as the bible which God is the author speaks of how much he loves us and that he is closer than a brother and sister. So I think it is pretty amazing that God listens out for our cry out to him.  I have learnt that basically the best way to heal is to sit in God's presence, praying about all concerns and hurts, sometimes that involves physical crying, but believe me it works in such a powerful way. Even now when writing this I am condemning myself as I feel like this is something that I need to do. 
Even the lines "where would we be without your love?....." makes me realise how much God has done for me and how much he is still continuing to do for me.
The last line I want to finish with is this "WE ARE SAFE IN THE ARMS OF YOUR EMBRACE"  and I think this is amazing, as in this life we suffer many things, many ups and downs and knowing that we are caught in the arms of our loving Heavenly Father is definitely something special :)                                                        

                                                           "Where Would We Be"

You came to search and rescue
In love, the Father sent You
Broke through the darkest night
You came to seek and save us
You came to liberate us
Jesus, You heard our cry
Jesus, You heard our cry

Where would we be without Your love?
We'd still be lost in darkness
Where would we be without Your cross?
You made a way to save us
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

You are the hope eternal
You are the Light of this world
Jesus, our rescuer
We live our lives to thank You
How could we not adore You?
Jesus, our rescuer
Jesus, our rescuer

Where would we be without Your love?
We'd still be lost in darkness
Where would we be without Your cross?
You made a way to save us
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

We're safe in the arms of Your embrace
We're breathing in Your freedom
Lifting a song of highest praise
And breathing out Your anthem
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

We couldn't escape the sin and the shame
That kept us bound
We couldn't break through, we couldn't reach You
So You reached down

Where would we be without Your love?
We'd still be lost in darkness
Where would we be without Your cross?
You made a way to save us
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

We're safe in the arms of Your embrace
We're breathing in Your freedom
Lifting a song of highest praise
And breathing out Your anthem
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We keep on singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

Jesus, You're the only hope
Jesus, hope for all the world