Monday 8 October 2012

Jesus is our hope!

In this blog, I want to share lyrics of a song written by Matt Redman. Lately this song has been such a comfort to me, as I have been struggling with various different things, mainly letting go things from my past, that are hindering me from being the person God created me to be. A friend of mine sent me the link to this song, which I am constantly listening to as I receive great comfort and hope from it.
I love how it speaks on how God came into this world to be our guide and that he came to rescue me and you. Sometimes when I am daydreaming or in a world of my own, I tend to wonder what would my life be like if God hadn't of stepped in and saved me when he did. When I think about times that I have turned my back against God, I realise that these are the times when I was most depressed, hurt and lost as I had no one to rely on.  This song reminds me even though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death that God is with me all along the way.  One line of many that I love in this song is "Jesus, You heard our cry" and I'll be completely honest with you, all the time I feel so insignificant or not good enough, which then makes me think at times that God doesnt listen to what I have to say, which is only a stupid irrational thought, as the bible which God is the author speaks of how much he loves us and that he is closer than a brother and sister. So I think it is pretty amazing that God listens out for our cry out to him.  I have learnt that basically the best way to heal is to sit in God's presence, praying about all concerns and hurts, sometimes that involves physical crying, but believe me it works in such a powerful way. Even now when writing this I am condemning myself as I feel like this is something that I need to do. 
Even the lines "where would we be without your love?....." makes me realise how much God has done for me and how much he is still continuing to do for me.
The last line I want to finish with is this "WE ARE SAFE IN THE ARMS OF YOUR EMBRACE"  and I think this is amazing, as in this life we suffer many things, many ups and downs and knowing that we are caught in the arms of our loving Heavenly Father is definitely something special :)                                                        

                                                           "Where Would We Be"

You came to search and rescue
In love, the Father sent You
Broke through the darkest night
You came to seek and save us
You came to liberate us
Jesus, You heard our cry
Jesus, You heard our cry

Where would we be without Your love?
We'd still be lost in darkness
Where would we be without Your cross?
You made a way to save us
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

You are the hope eternal
You are the Light of this world
Jesus, our rescuer
We live our lives to thank You
How could we not adore You?
Jesus, our rescuer
Jesus, our rescuer

Where would we be without Your love?
We'd still be lost in darkness
Where would we be without Your cross?
You made a way to save us
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

We're safe in the arms of Your embrace
We're breathing in Your freedom
Lifting a song of highest praise
And breathing out Your anthem
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

We couldn't escape the sin and the shame
That kept us bound
We couldn't break through, we couldn't reach You
So You reached down

Where would we be without Your love?
We'd still be lost in darkness
Where would we be without Your cross?
You made a way to save us
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

We're safe in the arms of Your embrace
We're breathing in Your freedom
Lifting a song of highest praise
And breathing out Your anthem
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We keep on singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

Jesus, You're the only hope
Jesus, hope for all the world

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