Thursday 18 October 2012

Pray! Don't Worry

Worry, worry, worry! It seems to be something so natural, that we all do at some stage or another.  Whether that is over the amount of homework or coursework we have or if it a family member who is ill or whatever the case is, out first reaction is to worry! I know that I am one of the worst worriers ever! And I worry about everything.  

As I  was thinking about worry a verse popped into my head found in Philippians 4v6 "do not be anxious about anything but in everything, prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God".  And I think at times we need to remember that God is by our side, looking to help us, yet we dont tell him our worries and struggles which then end up making us feel down and burdened. I encourage you to talk to God about the simplest worry as if it worries you, it worries God, tell him and he will step in and he will move in a way that you havent experienced it before.  it also made me think about at times we want to hear what others think about a situation or a worry, so I encourage you to talk to a friend who you trust, to receive encouragement and prayer :) 

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