Tuesday 9 October 2012

God Listens

Max Lucado wrote "you can talk to God because God listens. Your voice matters in heaven. He takes you very seriously.  When you enter his presence, the attendants turn to hear your voice. No need to fear that you will be ignored. Even if you stammer or stumble, even if what you have to say impresses no one, it impresses God- and he listens".
I don't know about you, but at time you can feel like you are talking to yourself, as you feel people are not listening or heeding what you are saying to them. At times this makes us feel down, especially when we need someone to talk to so desperately.  This quote I believe is full of Love and Hope that God grants each one of us.  I love how it just talks about we can talk to God as he listens, and this makes me excited as it reminds me how God is there even when people are not there, and he is also always willing to listen! He longs to hear your voice calling out to him, as you are his precious child and you matter to him, no matter what other people say.  In this life we get so many put downs from our family or friends, saying that we are not good enough ect ect, but God is always there and he wants to come in and encourage you, and the part of this quote that says 'your voice matters in heaven', gives great hope, as it doesn't matter if the thing you need to talk about seems so insignificant to you, yet it is so significant to God and he want to hear everything you have to say. At times when we are talking to people we stumble and we struggle to put across the message, as it is a sensitive topic or simply because we can't find the words we need to say.  This can anger other people, but the most amazing thing ever is that God is patient and he is willing do interpret our stumbled and muddled up cries as he knows that we need his help more than anything.  Just remember what you say doesn't have to win the approval of others or impress others, no matter how we put our message across to God, it impresses him, because he cares and we are building up our relationship with him.
So go on, dont be afraid to cry out to him, even if that is in a broken state, he understand, even through our tears. He is Our God and He loves us!

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