Tuesday 9 October 2012

Immeasurable Love

Today, I have been thinking a lot about the Love that God has for each one of us, when I came across a quote by Julian of Norwich which reads "We are so precisely loved by God that we can't even comprehend it. No created being can ever comprehend how much and how sweetly and tenderly God loves them. It is only with the help of grace that we are able to preserve in...endless wonder at the high, surpassing, immeasurable love which out Lord in His goodness has for us".
This has made me think of how Jesus died on the cross for our sins, which was completely out of love. It is so easy to tell someone that they are loved by their Heavenly Father, unfortunately it is not always easy to accept this. As humans we always have to win the approval and love off other people, and sometimes we relate this to God, which isn't what God is like. God loves me and you, just as you are, right at this moment, maybe without any make up on or in you comfortable trackies, that you would die if you were saw in these.  Yet God doesn't care, as he doesn't look on the outward appearance, he looks in at the heart and whether this heart is saved or not, he still has this unconditional love for that person, although for the unsaved he longs for them to return to him.  I believe that the cross is the ultimate picture of Love for us, as Christ didnt have to go through with it, yet he did out of love for each one of us.
Over the summer, I was involved in many Kids clubs, which I experienced unbelievable things that God done in the lives of the kids. And one thing that was prevelent in all these clubs was the importance of having a child like faith, letting God take our hand and lead us along the path through his love. And I believe that some of these kids grasped things in their own small way, things that took me years to understand. I can remember one child who was so overwhelmed by Christs love that she was in tears and she just wanted more and more of God. I can remember the first time this happened me and I will say I was much older than this child. I believe this child was able to take a tiny step in the understanding the love of God, which I think is essential, as we just need to take baby steps, closer to God. He still loves us the same no matter what.
In Jeremiah 31v3 it reads "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness" so I encourage you to call out to God no matter what size your need is, as he is willing to help. (as I write this I am also talking to myself).
I'm just going to finish with this....
God says "I love you no matter what you do" His love is unconditional and unending! How amazing is Our God!

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