Tuesday 30 October 2012


Lately in youth fellowship, church and my own personal bible study I have been thinking a lot about the call that God has placed over my life. I know that God has an amazing plan for my life like he has for you who is reading this. At this minute in time you could be confused or searching for the call that God has placed upon your life. I will admit that I am still searching for the call that God has for me, and I know that I do not have to worry as My God is here with me right now and he will never leave me to fight anything on my own. For a number of years I have been involved in kids clubs and more recently I have become a Sunday school teacher and crèche leader, to allow me to fulfil the call that Jesus gave us in when he taught the people in the Sermon on the Mount.  Below I have added the verse from the Message version which I love how it puts it....

Matthew Chapter 5v13-16
“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavours of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.
“Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colours in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.

This passage amazes me as me a child of God, who is not perfect and who is certainly not any more gifted than any of you’s is chosen to be Gods witness here on earth. I find this passage challenging as well as I think it sets the standards high for us Christians, but over the last little while I have been taught that this is not too high of a standard, this is only our reasonable service to God. (Romans 12v1-2) This has challenged me in the way that I live my life as it is so easy to just blend in with the crowd and follow what they are doing, but Jesus is telling us that he hasn’t placed us here on earth, anointed us with his light burning within us just to be hid away from all the people of this world. Jesus wants us to be standing up and sharing our faith with others, or even simply showing acts of kindness to others which reflects his love as this is how we can plant seeds in our friend’s lives that are unsaved and this is how we can start to bring out the God colours here on earth.  I know this is a huge challenge, but I am accepting this challenge as I know when I am working with God My Saviour and My Rock that I don’t have to be afraid as he will guide me and give me the strength to keep going, without expecting anything in return.

Jesus gave everything for us, he has given us the example of his life to follow, and he gave up his life on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins from the past, present and future. So I don’t think that us being asked to live sacrificially is too much to ask from us. Lets take up the challenge to do something nice for someone every day, without expecting an award, as well as doing it without making a whole song and dance out of it as Jesus loves a silent giver. So maybe your kind act will be to tidy your room without being asked or maybe it will be offering to make your parents a cup of tea or whatever it may be. I know that our parents can become suspicious but let them be. Just be that faithful servant of Christ and if we are asked to do something lets not moan, lets get up and do it out of love, and through this we never know what God could do in our lives and the lives of our families. God is the God of the impossible! Dont forget Shine from the inside out as deserves to be filling up our lives and this world that he created.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Pray! Don't Worry

Worry, worry, worry! It seems to be something so natural, that we all do at some stage or another.  Whether that is over the amount of homework or coursework we have or if it a family member who is ill or whatever the case is, out first reaction is to worry! I know that I am one of the worst worriers ever! And I worry about everything.  

As I  was thinking about worry a verse popped into my head found in Philippians 4v6 "do not be anxious about anything but in everything, prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God".  And I think at times we need to remember that God is by our side, looking to help us, yet we dont tell him our worries and struggles which then end up making us feel down and burdened. I encourage you to talk to God about the simplest worry as if it worries you, it worries God, tell him and he will step in and he will move in a way that you havent experienced it before.  it also made me think about at times we want to hear what others think about a situation or a worry, so I encourage you to talk to a friend who you trust, to receive encouragement and prayer :) 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Immeasurable Love

Today, I have been thinking a lot about the Love that God has for each one of us, when I came across a quote by Julian of Norwich which reads "We are so precisely loved by God that we can't even comprehend it. No created being can ever comprehend how much and how sweetly and tenderly God loves them. It is only with the help of grace that we are able to preserve in...endless wonder at the high, surpassing, immeasurable love which out Lord in His goodness has for us".
This has made me think of how Jesus died on the cross for our sins, which was completely out of love. It is so easy to tell someone that they are loved by their Heavenly Father, unfortunately it is not always easy to accept this. As humans we always have to win the approval and love off other people, and sometimes we relate this to God, which isn't what God is like. God loves me and you, just as you are, right at this moment, maybe without any make up on or in you comfortable trackies, that you would die if you were saw in these.  Yet God doesn't care, as he doesn't look on the outward appearance, he looks in at the heart and whether this heart is saved or not, he still has this unconditional love for that person, although for the unsaved he longs for them to return to him.  I believe that the cross is the ultimate picture of Love for us, as Christ didnt have to go through with it, yet he did out of love for each one of us.
Over the summer, I was involved in many Kids clubs, which I experienced unbelievable things that God done in the lives of the kids. And one thing that was prevelent in all these clubs was the importance of having a child like faith, letting God take our hand and lead us along the path through his love. And I believe that some of these kids grasped things in their own small way, things that took me years to understand. I can remember one child who was so overwhelmed by Christs love that she was in tears and she just wanted more and more of God. I can remember the first time this happened me and I will say I was much older than this child. I believe this child was able to take a tiny step in the understanding the love of God, which I think is essential, as we just need to take baby steps, closer to God. He still loves us the same no matter what.
In Jeremiah 31v3 it reads "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness" so I encourage you to call out to God no matter what size your need is, as he is willing to help. (as I write this I am also talking to myself).
I'm just going to finish with this....
God says "I love you no matter what you do" His love is unconditional and unending! How amazing is Our God!

God Listens

Max Lucado wrote "you can talk to God because God listens. Your voice matters in heaven. He takes you very seriously.  When you enter his presence, the attendants turn to hear your voice. No need to fear that you will be ignored. Even if you stammer or stumble, even if what you have to say impresses no one, it impresses God- and he listens".
I don't know about you, but at time you can feel like you are talking to yourself, as you feel people are not listening or heeding what you are saying to them. At times this makes us feel down, especially when we need someone to talk to so desperately.  This quote I believe is full of Love and Hope that God grants each one of us.  I love how it just talks about we can talk to God as he listens, and this makes me excited as it reminds me how God is there even when people are not there, and he is also always willing to listen! He longs to hear your voice calling out to him, as you are his precious child and you matter to him, no matter what other people say.  In this life we get so many put downs from our family or friends, saying that we are not good enough ect ect, but God is always there and he wants to come in and encourage you, and the part of this quote that says 'your voice matters in heaven', gives great hope, as it doesn't matter if the thing you need to talk about seems so insignificant to you, yet it is so significant to God and he want to hear everything you have to say. At times when we are talking to people we stumble and we struggle to put across the message, as it is a sensitive topic or simply because we can't find the words we need to say.  This can anger other people, but the most amazing thing ever is that God is patient and he is willing do interpret our stumbled and muddled up cries as he knows that we need his help more than anything.  Just remember what you say doesn't have to win the approval of others or impress others, no matter how we put our message across to God, it impresses him, because he cares and we are building up our relationship with him.
So go on, dont be afraid to cry out to him, even if that is in a broken state, he understand, even through our tears. He is Our God and He loves us!

Monday 8 October 2012

Jesus is our hope!

In this blog, I want to share lyrics of a song written by Matt Redman. Lately this song has been such a comfort to me, as I have been struggling with various different things, mainly letting go things from my past, that are hindering me from being the person God created me to be. A friend of mine sent me the link to this song, which I am constantly listening to as I receive great comfort and hope from it.
I love how it speaks on how God came into this world to be our guide and that he came to rescue me and you. Sometimes when I am daydreaming or in a world of my own, I tend to wonder what would my life be like if God hadn't of stepped in and saved me when he did. When I think about times that I have turned my back against God, I realise that these are the times when I was most depressed, hurt and lost as I had no one to rely on.  This song reminds me even though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of Death that God is with me all along the way.  One line of many that I love in this song is "Jesus, You heard our cry" and I'll be completely honest with you, all the time I feel so insignificant or not good enough, which then makes me think at times that God doesnt listen to what I have to say, which is only a stupid irrational thought, as the bible which God is the author speaks of how much he loves us and that he is closer than a brother and sister. So I think it is pretty amazing that God listens out for our cry out to him.  I have learnt that basically the best way to heal is to sit in God's presence, praying about all concerns and hurts, sometimes that involves physical crying, but believe me it works in such a powerful way. Even now when writing this I am condemning myself as I feel like this is something that I need to do. 
Even the lines "where would we be without your love?....." makes me realise how much God has done for me and how much he is still continuing to do for me.
The last line I want to finish with is this "WE ARE SAFE IN THE ARMS OF YOUR EMBRACE"  and I think this is amazing, as in this life we suffer many things, many ups and downs and knowing that we are caught in the arms of our loving Heavenly Father is definitely something special :)                                                        

                                                           "Where Would We Be"

You came to search and rescue
In love, the Father sent You
Broke through the darkest night
You came to seek and save us
You came to liberate us
Jesus, You heard our cry
Jesus, You heard our cry

Where would we be without Your love?
We'd still be lost in darkness
Where would we be without Your cross?
You made a way to save us
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

You are the hope eternal
You are the Light of this world
Jesus, our rescuer
We live our lives to thank You
How could we not adore You?
Jesus, our rescuer
Jesus, our rescuer

Where would we be without Your love?
We'd still be lost in darkness
Where would we be without Your cross?
You made a way to save us
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

We're safe in the arms of Your embrace
We're breathing in Your freedom
Lifting a song of highest praise
And breathing out Your anthem
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

We couldn't escape the sin and the shame
That kept us bound
We couldn't break through, we couldn't reach You
So You reached down

Where would we be without Your love?
We'd still be lost in darkness
Where would we be without Your cross?
You made a way to save us
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

We're safe in the arms of Your embrace
We're breathing in Your freedom
Lifting a song of highest praise
And breathing out Your anthem
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We keep on singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love
We're singing
Oh, Your love, oh, Your love

Jesus, You're the only hope
Jesus, hope for all the world

Saturday 29 September 2012

Friends Stick Together

“Friends are an indispensable part of a meaningful life. They are the ones who share our burdens and multiply our blessings. A true friend sticks by us in our joys and sorrows. In good times and bad we need friends who will pray for us, listen to us and lend a comforting hand and understanding ear when needed.” ~ Beverly Latlaye
After reading this quote it made me think of who my true friends really are. Although I have many true friends here on earth, that are always there for me.  But this quote made me realise one other true friend, who is God.  When I read the quote I remembered that God wants us to call out to him and tell him what our burdens our so that he can swoop in and help us through them, to then bless us through this.  It then made me think about a song which is one of my favourites at the moment which is “Never Once” by Matt Redman and the pre-chorus and chorus goes like this struggles on the way. But with joy our hearts can say, yes, our hearts can say. Never once did we ever walk alone, Never once did you leave us on our own. You are faithful, God, You are faithful”.  This song along with this quote means so much because it reminds me of how God walks beside me and you at all times through our walk in this life, and it doesn’t matter whether we are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, or whether we are walking along the green pastures as God is there and he never leaves us on our own. Many times we can feel alone, even when we are with others, but the fact is that we don’t have to feel like this, because our true friend who gave himself for us is right there, longing for you to cry out to him.  He want to encourage you, comfort you and guide you, you just have to let him in.
As I have wrote this, I realize that I am not perfect and what I wrote is what I believe, but it is so much easier to know this than to always live that out. So the challenge I am setting is as much for myself as it is for whoever reads this.  In order to get closer to God, trust him like you would a true friend, pour you heart out to him always so that you can lead a pleasing life for him.  Lean on him and let him comfort you when you need it! He is there! He is waiting on his child to come running into his arms. So go on, what are you waiting for, cry out to God for help.
“There are ‘friends’ who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother”  ~ Proverbs 18;24
Let’s be a real friend, being as close as brothers and sisters.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Our Purpose

From Jeremiah 29v11 we know that God has a specific and unique plan for everyone of our lives, as he has gifted us with various talents to use to serve him. Lately I have been thinking more about the purpose of fulfilling the commandments that was given to Moses as well as the commandments Jesus gave us whilst he was here on this earth.  I know that it is never easy to keep all the commandments given to us, but we are only human and we will make mistakes, which is also known as sin.   I was talking the other night to a good friend of mine about sin, by saying at times we begin to think because other people who are Christians and our doing something we shouldn’t doesn’t mean that we have the right to do it too.  We also tend to judge others, both Christians and non Christians, as we begin to think that our sin of not honouring our parents is so small compared to someone’s sin of committing adultery or murder.  But we forget that our sin of not honouring our parents is the same size in God’s eyes, Basically a sin is a sin no matter what it is.
In my head and heart I have a commandment that I know I struggle with.  Firstly one I find difficult is loving your enemies, or let me rephrase it a bit, loving your enemies or the people who have hurt you.  Over the past few years i have went through some really tough times with friendships, which has lead to some friendships being ended for a few months before accepting that we needed to start building up the courage to be the first one to try and sort things out.  At times it can be messy when you try to patch  things up with  the other person as they may not be ready yet to do this, so they can push you away and tell you to leave them alone etc etc.  At this point it can make you angry and upset towards that person as they have knocked your whole courage on the head and made you feel terrible.  From these experiences I have found it extremely hard to love them, but I know that I had to try. 
I then think of what Jesus did on the cross for us... how he was wounded for us and he went through the uttermost pain, yet he still classed us as friends and he LOVED us, so I think it is about time we begin to love our enemies or the people who we have fallen out with as if Jesus wasn’t angry at us for what we made him go through we have no right to be angry at others.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

The Lord Has a Reason for Everything

Sometimes I just don’t understand why the Lord allows some things to happen or not to happen but I have learned not to question it.  I know that God is in control of my life and as long as I fully rely on Him, everything will be alright.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6
This verse is so true in every aspect of life, as so many times we are ready to throw in the towel on God as we forget that everything that happens in his timing.  For example we could be praying for friends to come to know Christ or we could be praying for someone who is ill and needs healed, yet God still hasnt answered our prayers. This is because he has a reasoning for everything and its all in his timing, so basically until he answers our prayers, which may not be in a way we wanted it to be but we just have to trust him! (After all God knows best!) We need to continue to pray with perseverance so that we can try to make a difference. Lets not Throw in the Towel, lets keep going! God knows what he is doing! 

Pray! Don't Worry!

I believe that the title of this Blog may say more than what I can write here.  I know that it is so hard not to worry as we have so many things that happen in our lives that causes us to worry.  I find when there are lots of things that I am worried about such as Family, Friends or the big one at the minute the Exam results :/ i find i tend to feel more depressed or something and this is due to many times I try to tackle my worries on my own instead of handing them over to God who is all powerful and can help me deal with these worries i may have.

I remember reading a verse in Phil 4v6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your worries to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". I know when I leave all worries in the hands of God that such a weight is lifted off your shoulders and you feel free :) I would encourage you to call out to God and tell him everything that worries you, even the silly wee things that we dont think that make much difference, tell him He wants to know so he can help you.  This will strengthen your relationship and you will wonder why you waited so long to tell him when you realise the bondage you were tied up in was cut lose :) 

Live by Listening to the heart beat of God

I can remember being encouraged to have a closer relationship with God, by having my heart beat in the same timing as Gods. At the time when I was told this I will admit I was confused and wasn't really sure about this.  I think for a while I may even have kept this at the back of my mind.  It was until a while later when my faith began to rapidly grow as I began to spend more and more time in God's presence and getting to know him.  When I was in sync with God's heart beat I was having my heart broken for the things that were also breaking God's heart.  It made me then become a person who cares far more than I should at times.  Through this I have also found out what I am good at and the skills that God has blessed me with to use.  I found that I love working with Children in the ministry, which has lead to many opportunities to try and make a difference in their precious lives.  On some occasions I have also had the privilege to lead some kids to the Lord which is the most amazing experience ever. Especially when these kids come up and just say to you I want to know God like you do.

I encourage you to spend more time in God's presence in your own intimate time with him as well as going to meetings in Church. God is the same God everywhere and he just longs for you to spend time with him. As you spend more time with him you will begin to have your heart in sync with his, so that he can speak to you revealing what he loves about you, what he thinks of you as well as telling you the marvelous plans that he has for each one of our lives, as he wont tell us until we have the right relationship with him, as we wouldn't believe him if we didn't have a close relationship with him.

He is Forever There

Lately I have been thinking a lot about how Amazing our God is! I'm not sure if it is because of the marvelous experience I had down in Jordanstown at the Kids Club for the Elim Bible Week.  That week blew all my expectations as God moved so mightily in my life as well as all the kids lives.  Not only that it was how the Generation Next Team was so connected and united, even on the first night when we were basically getting to know each other, and this was all possible because God's presence was there with us each night. That week I feel that we had two main points that we wanted to emphasize to the children that came through the doors which were 1. HOW MUCH GOD LOVES THEM and 2. HOW GOD IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE THERE FOR THEM!

When I think around this topic one verse automatically springs into my mind which is Hebrews 13v5 "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said “Never will I leave you;never will I forsake you". When I read this verse it reminds me that I have everything I will need for each day as God supplies me with it.  Not only that it reminds me that I dont need to have the latest gadget just to feel special or whatever, because I have a Father in heaven who looks down on me (and everyone of us) with one huge smile on his face and also a Father in heaven who will never fail me or leave me.  This gives me so much hope as when we walk along the path of our faith it is not easy all the times, and we have up and down days or periods but at least we dont have to face them on our own as God is with us every step of the way! We only have to cry out and ask for help and he will helps us.

This blog makes me think of the song Nothing is Impossible which the lyrics go like this...

"Through You I can do anything

I can do all things
'Cause it's You who gives me strength
Nothing is impossible

Through You blind eyes are open
Strongholds are broken
I am living by faith
Nothing is impossible

I'm not gonna live by what I see

I'm not gonna live by what I feel
Deep down I know that You're here with me
And I know that You can do anything

I believe, I believe

I believe, I believe in you "

This song was from the same kids club i spoke about at the start, and i think the song is amazing as it reminds me of the verse that says i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And i think this is important as Christians, as sometimes we can be too lazy to serve G0d by making excuses not to serve him by saying i cant do it.  but through this song and verse it shows we can do all things by the help of God. so when God asks you to do something say YES He wont let you down!

Friday 20 July 2012

Faithful service rewarded...

Here on earth we all have the responsibility to serve God in some way or another.  Service for God comes in all shapes and sizes.  Serving God can be as simple as spending time with a person in school who most people wouldn’t talk to.  This is serving God as if we think of the times when Jesus was here on earth he reached out to the lepers, the poor and the tax collectors which the Jews and other people would have given a wide birth.  By us spending time serving God by spending time with people who are lonely we will be faithful to him and we will be doing a pleasing work for God.  Although we need to make sure that we don’t make a whole scene out of this service for God, as he doesn’t want us drawing attention to ourselves, as it looks like we are doing it just to be noticed.  We need to do it subtly making the person feel special and not humiliated.

In Romans 12v6 “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to us” and when I read this I think how God has given each one of us unique qualities and gifts that each of us can use when serving him.  I know this summer that some of us girls have had the call upon our hearts to serve God in children’s work through Generation Next and another holiday bible club.  I believe that God has given us the qualities and gifts that we need to be the witnesses to these children.  God is so proud of his children when they say yes to his calling.  When we are serving him in whatever way he has called he won’t leave us, he will be there every step of the way! He will never fail his children J. this week at Generation Next we have really been pushed out of our comfort zones to relate to these children.  this week we have had seeked God before every meeting praying that God will move in a powerful way. one night that stands out so much was Wednesday night when we just saw so many kids standing with their arms towards God, looking to receive the Holy Spirit and also how we had to pray individually with these kids and it was so amazing and emotional.  it just shows that God uses ordinary people to extraordinary things for him! God has blew all expectations we had for this week out the window! They have been way more! What an AWESOME GOD we SERVE!

In the bible it talks about how when Jesus calls all his children home on the day of Judgement that we will all go to a new earth.  Here on this new earth we will have the responsibility to serve our Father once again.  The bible also speaks of the service for God here on earth and it tells us how that what we do here on earth for him will be evaluated to determine what we will do for him on the new earth.  The Humble servant will be put in charge of much, whereas the one who lords it over others in the present world will have power taken away: “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted” – Luke 14v11. If we serve faithfully on the present earth, God will give us permanent management positions on the New Earth. “Those who can be trusted with little, can be trusted with much” – Luke 16v10.  The Owner (God) has his watchful eye over us – if we prove faithful, he’ll be pleased to entrust us with more.

If God wants us to do something, we’ll be wired and equipped to do it.  Our service will bring Him glory as well as us being filled with joy.

Friday 6 July 2012

Always going to be another mountain....

This title for this blog is quite ironic for what has been happening in my life over the last couple of weeks.  I recently have finished my Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition in Scotland. It was an experience which I look back on and reflect.  Some of these reflections I am going to share with you.

Whilst we were walking in the beautiful mountain ranges around Glencoe we faced many challenges.  Although each day that we started out we had renewed strength from God which helped to make the first half of the day bearable! But once our heavy rucksacks and our feet began to get sore we found that each step got harder and harder, and it just felt like we would never reach camp for that night.  When looking at the scenery it just seemed like there was so many mountains that were obstacles for us to reach our goal of camp.  Looking back at times it just felt like we needed to stop and set up camp there and then, yet we didn’t, we kept going to reach camp.  I know relate this to my faith with God, as during our walks with God we face many trials and tribulations that we feel like we are never going to get through, and it feel like the mountain in your way will never move. I found that during Duke of Edinburgh when I prayed out to God for help, he gave me the courage and strength to keep on going, and it is the same when we go through trials and tribulations as he is there by our sides at all times and he is waiting for his children to cry out to him for help. He wants to help you because he LOVES you with and everlasting love and because he created you.  I was once told God leads us into hardship to see how much we will trust him, and through this we become a stronger person, it is God moulding us into the person he wants us to be.  The times of hardship helps to prepare us to go out and serve God with our whole lives.

Another thing I found was that it was so easy to get lost whilst doing Duke of Edinburgh, and on a number of occasions this happened to me and my team. Our first day we got lost due to a sign that made us think that our judgements were wrong, yet after two hours of walking the wrong way we found out that we were meant to  go up the other path.  This is like us in our faith, sometimes we tend to wander away from God as we think that we can do everything else better on our own, and then we begin to wander into sin.  When I think of the sign that we saw, it now makes me think of the devil that is constantly battling with us trying to get us to stop following our Father in Heaven.  I then remember the moment when we realised that we were indeed lost in the mountains, this is like when we realise that we are lost in sin and we have wandered away from God, and this realisation can come in all shapes and forms.  It can be something that is said in church or yf, or something that we sing in worship songs or simply feeling God speaking to us and telling us to come home and he wants to protect us and make us whole again.

The whole way through Duke of Edinburgh the verses that really helped me was.....
“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me” – Philippians 4v13

“The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever, do not abandon the works of your hands.” –Psalm 138v8

I found that these verses were such a blessing as they gave me the courage and the strength to continue on as I knew God was there with me, strengthening me all along the way.  And I knew that if I completed in that it was all in God’s plan for my life.
Love you girlies

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Stay Trusting!

We all have our own hopes, dreams and ambitions here on earth, that we want to see fulfilled as we think they will make us whole. Maybe they would but anything without God in it, will not allow us to become the people God wants us to be. 

As I think of summer being only around the corner, or being summer for one person! We all have the anxiety of our results coming in August! I can remember the build up to last year when we received our GCSE results... That was scary! Will never forget that experience! But as I continued to think about the results and worry about them a quote came into my head. 'The Bigger our Worry List, the Small your God is'. This got me thinking about how we need to trust God more for what is going to happen in the future. By trusting God it will allow us to feel more content and secure! When we trust him he will then be able to speak to us and tell us where he wants us to go to serve him. When we trust God he will then start to mold us into the people he wants us to be.  We need to let God become the potter in our lives, rather than us trying to mold what we think God wants us to do or be like.

In august we need to remember the results we get are ones that God has already planned for our lives. He is in control and knows what he is doing! He has a specific route for us to take and all we can do is trust him with all we have...


When I thought of the title for this blog two verses came to mind...  
 1. 'Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths' ~ Proverbs 3v5-6

2. 'The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; your mercy, O Lord endures forever' ~ Psalm 138v8 

Monday 11 June 2012

Time to Move FORWARD

Yesterday in church Rick was speaking about on the passage from Exodus chapter 14v1-16, which was about the Children of Israel having been brought out of Egypt.  It spoke about how Moses had brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, and they were now facing the Red Sea.  This made the Children of Israel to doubt God as they saw a huge problem as they had the Red Sea in front of them and the Egyptian army coming after them to recapture them into slavery.  The Children of Israel thought that they were going to die as they had little faith in God. On the other hand we can tell from the passage that Moses cried out to God for help, who told him to raise his staff over the sea and it would split so they could pass through on dry land.
Many times I been like one of the children of Israel, as they felt like God had abandoned them and in the times of deep darkness I too felt like God had abandoned me as I couldn’t see that light at the end of the tunnel.  Looking back I see that I felt like this because I allowed doubt to creep into my life, which meant that I wasn’t trusting God.
On the other hand I would prefer to me more like Moses as he was a man in amongst the trouble and problems that he cried out to God for help as he knew that God was in control over the situation that they were in.  Maybe need to start having as much faith as Moses did as this is when we can see God move and we realise that we are not on our own and this is all a part of his plan.
I suppose the purpose of this blog is to challenge not only you girlies but myself.  I cant help but feel like it is time that we make our faith matte to us so much that we are willing to give up whatever holds us back to make a difference for God.  But we cant do that in our own strength and power, so we need to become people who pray and seek after God’s heart so that he can reveal his precious plans for each of our lives.  When he reveals the plans for our lives we have to trust God with all our hearts and say yes.  We cant be like Gideon who doubted God when he first was told that he would defeat the Mideanites but he felt so insignificant but eventually he allowed God in and he fulfilled the plans God had for him. 
Girlies we have all summer, so this is going to be a valuable time to serve our Father in Heaven, so lets get seeking his face and asking him to reveal the plans that he has for us, so that we follow his dreams that will let us find ourselves, rather than following our own dreams which may not be as adventurous or challenging as the one’s God has given us.
Lets make this a summer to remember girlies, as summer where we have memories due to God moving in our lives and making us better people than we were before!
Lets Seek God and be showing his love to all J
Lets follow God’s footsteps that he has lead out for us and lets look to him for guidance.

Lots of Love Girls

Saturday 9 June 2012

We All Have a Purpose :)

Today I have been thinking about my purpose here on earth! If I am honest this is something that I struggle with at times, as I feel like I'm being told what my purpose is for a specific time period, but it is hard to know if it is the voice inside my head building up my hopes and dreams, or if it is God saying to me and pushing me out of my comfort zone.  But over the last year I have had experienced both of these feelings. I'm going to be open and honest with you girls, last year in May when I was asked to become a Sunday School Teacher it was a real answer to my prayers as I wanted to give back to my church and make a difference in the lives of children, just like my Sunday school teachers had done for me.  So throughout this year I have seen God move in amazing ways and to be fair I was pushed right out of my comfort zones like when I stood in front of church giving an account of Glo, now that was petrifying but I was able to do it through the strength that God gave me :), it just really surprised me how God was able to use me to speak in front of a packed church, when I hate speaking in front of a class of 25 never mind like 100 people.  Then the next push out of my comfort zone was having to teach the children wee bible stories did challenge me as I wasn’t sure how I should put the story across.  Hearing the children still retelling the story a few weeks later just fills you with so much joy that you actually were able to teach them something.  Then the doubts I had on Gods plans this year was the fact that I had been placed back into the College after my GCSE's and in my heart I was so pleased that I had got back in, but somewhere within me wondered why I was putting myself through another two years of exams and stress as I just didn’t have a clear view of the future. Still I don’t have a clear vision of what my future holds and it scares me, when I'm honest about it.

But the verse I find so much comfort is Jeremiah 29v11 'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to give you a hope and a future'.  I love this verse for many reasons as it reminds me that God has a specific purpose for my life, even when I am confused to where he is leading me.  I know you girls are in the similar situations, as some of us have the thoughts running through our heads of what course am I going to study at university?, What university will I go to? And even how do I know what course God wants me to do?  The thought of uni scares me as I feel so unprepared for going and so unprepared when it comes to the course as is the course I want to do, the course God wants me to do.  I also know for a couple of people that it is the whole thinking of whether they will be back studying at Lurgan College next year and suppose all I can say is that I know how it feels not knowing where you are going to be in September, but if you have tried your best in your exams that’s all that is asked of you.  But we have to remember that God is in control over what is happening, he knows our grades that we are going to get in August. God already knows and he is going to be there supporting us in whatever happens. We have to rely on him and trust in his name as this is when we will find peace in our lives.  
I also love the part in this verse that says 'plans to give you a hope and a future' as it shows me how much God cares and loves me and even how he is looking out for me as the word hope just makes me think that the future will be bright so long God is in control.  Although there will still be times of hardship in the future it will be much brighter for us as we  have the power of God in our lives working there to keep us strong and safe! Also knowing that I have hope with God in the future shows me that I can face tomorrow as he is already there waiting to pick us up and carry us through. 

Whilst I was writing a few verses came into my head which I’m not sure if it really ties in or not, but I’m going to put it anyways.  The verses are all to do with Sparrows.  The verses are:-
Matthew chapter 10 verse 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. 

Matthew chapter 10 verse 31 Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. 

Luke chapter 12 verse 6 "Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins?* And not one of them is forgotten before God. 

I just wanted to share these verses with you as they are so life giving as at times we may feel worthless due to parents nagging all the time or other reasons that we don’t like to disclose to anyone.  These verses just emphases to us that God loves us no matter what and that we are worth so much to him so he won’t let any danger come to us. 

Thursday 7 June 2012


In this world today our perception of love has been completely transformed, and we all have the different definitions.  I feel like we use the love way to easily as we can say we love chocolate but we also use the same word love when we are talking about our love for others such as family members, friends or even boyfriends.  Sometimes we use this word too lightly so we forget what God planned love to be.

Even in today's world so many times we feel so unloved through the way that we are treated by others or other things. When we feel like this we can feel so left out of society and feel like you are worthless.  Well the purpose of this blog is to tell you that YOU ARE LOVED! So no matter what other people tell you just remember that.  In the bible we read lots about the love that God has for us... For example in the book of Genesis we read how God created each one of us in his image.  Girls this should make you feel so special and loved as no one is like us.  This means that each one of us is special to God and nothing can ever take that away from us.

Again we see that WE ARE LOVED when we read in John chapter 3v16 which reads 'For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.'  I love this verse, even though it is so simple as it shows us how Gods love for us is never failing for his children.  Along with this there is a verse found in Romans 5v8 which reads 'But God demonstrates his love for us as whilst we were still sinners, Christ died for us'.  Both of these verses just really tell me how God loves us no matter where we are in this life. I know that we don't like to think of our lives being messed up, but if we think about it, before we were saved our lives were so messed up with sin, but yet God still loved us so much that he was willing to send his Son to be beaten and bruised for our inequities.  What love was demonstrated for us! What an amazing God.

The last verse on love for this blog is Romans chapter 8v38-39 which reads 'For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord'.  This verse just fills me with hope because it reminds me that I'm not perfect, so I am liable to mess up and fail my Father in Heaven no matter how hard we try, its just one of those things that we cant control. But thankfully God still loves us even when we mess up and turn away from him and he is always calling us home back to him as he wants to make us whole again and he wants to guide us in the way that we should go as he wants to use each one of us.

I found this quote online from a Christian man called Max Lucado

“God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus. ” 

In conclusion, I want you girls to remember that no matter what happens throughout your lives that you are LOVED by your Father in Heaven, who wants to use you to do amazing things for him.  He has amazing plans for your life, but I'll leave that for another blog.  Girls by heart has been filled so much with love for you's, so I'm here for you's no matter what... I'm a phone call or text away :) 

Lots of Love

Summer is almost here :)

Well Girlies :) It's not long now until our summer will be here :) buzzing.  And if you are like me you have more plans made than you will have time to yourself.  

I'm writing this our first blog just to encourage you to just keep going, which may seem slightly strange, but i feel like it is very relevant to how we all feel at this time of how we just really want summer to be here and that we have NO motivation to revise. I know it is hard but it is something we have to persevere at so that we have our basis for our future.

I was reading in Hebrews chapter 12v1-2 last night and it reads 'Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.'

Girlies I just think that this is so relevant to the time period that we are going through as it speaks of how we have to give up everything that might hinder us from doing what we know we must do; such as studying. Well i know when im studying I constantly find other things to do, its amazing how a mess room suddenly becomes annoying and we use that as our excuse to stop.  Well last night I just felt like it was God saying to me that I cant allow anything to hinder me from serving God in the way that will please him, so if that means i have to abandon all my hopes dreams and whatever else that is of this world i will want to do it. So I want to encourage you girls not to  give up but to continue running this race that has been set out before us so that we can lead lives that are pleasing to God.  This verse also gives us the reassurance that we need that it is alright to struggle and need help as it tells us to 'fix our eyes on Jesus' as he already knows what we are going through as he struggled with the same things as we do whilst he was here on this earth.

Just going to conclude this blog with a wee note... Yesterday was our first Peculiar Treasures meeting at Love Coffee, unfortunately I was unable to attend due to an unscheduled driving lesson.  but from what I gather from the girls that was there that it was a good afternoon. hopefully girlies we might have the time to slot in one more meeting before I head to Scotland.  At the next meeting we will issue the email addresses which i am in the process of making.

Lots of Love 